4 Signs You Need Septic Maintenance

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Septic maintenance is a nonnegotiable for your home’s health and well-being. Regular septic pumping and inspections will help the whole system last longer and work as it should to keep waste flowing safely out of your home. Any signs of septic issues should never be ignored.

4 Signs You Need Septic Maintenance

Here are 4 of the biggest signs to watch out for:

  1. Foul Odors – You should always investigate persistent foul odors since they are an obvious sign that something is up with your septic system. As unpleasant as the smells can be, they are useful signs that septic maintenance is overdue.
  2. Multiple Drain Backups – A single drain clog usually indicates an isolated issue, but if your drains are backing up or slow throughout your house, you might need septic maintenance. Full tanks can cause impeded drainage in a home.
  3. Lush Grass Around Your Septic System – This might not seem like such a bad thing, but when your lawn is suddenly bright and thick, especially around the septic tank or drain field, it can be a telltale sign that there is an issue with the septic system. Waste can act like a fertilizer in the short term but can become a serious health hazard if left unchecked.
  4. Standing Water in Your Yard – If inexplicable pools of water are cropping up in your yard, don’t ignore them. They could be a sign of hydraulic overload in the septic system, which means it is taking on more wastewater than it is equipped to handle. Maintenance solutions for overloading can be as simple as not running multiple water sources at the same time, but it can also require expert repairs or interventions.