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Septic Maintenance in Kissimmee, FL
Do you remember the last time your septic system was cleaned? Have you recently moved into a new home and you aren’t sure whether septic maintenance was performed regularly? One of the best things you can do to maintain your system is schedule regular septic maintenance. Depending on how many people are using your system, you probably only need to schedule this service every 3 to 5 years.


Septic Maintenance Saves You Money

Septic maintenance will save you money over time for several reasons. Firstly, you can avoid unexpected and costly repairs when your septic system stops working properly. Regular septic maintenance is designed to include cleaning and inspection, so you can find problem areas early and avoid expensive problems later. Septic maintenance also saves you money because your septic system is designed to work for several years without needing constant maintenance. When you compare that with a city water utility bill, you will spend less than $100 per year even with regularly scheduled maintenance.

Some septic maintenance tips to keep your system operating at its best include:

  • Know How Much Your System is in Use – This will help you determine how often to schedule maintenance.
  • Avoid Hazardous Materials – Make sure to avoid putting chemicals and other dangerous household waste down your drains. This will promote deterioration of your septic system over time.
  • Schedule Maintenance – If you aren’t sure about the last time your system was cleaned and inspected, scheduling maintenance should be a priority.

If you need to schedule septic maintenance, give us a call at Clark Septic. We are a full-service septic company and a family owned and operated business. We’ve been helping our customers with their septic system needs since 2002 for everything from installation to continuing maintenance. Septic maintenance is easy to schedule, and we can help you determine which services best fit your needs. If you have questions or would like us to provide a free estimate for a septic project, we’ll be happy to assist you. Give us a call today. We look forward to working with you.