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Septic Tank Installation

Did you know that about 25% of homes in the U.S. currently use septic tanks? A well-maintained system can also last for 20 years or longer. Regularly scheduled maintenance and repairs can keep a system running well for many years, but what do those homeowners do if a time comes when a replacement system is needed? Or, what can you expect if you are building new on some land and want to have a septic system installed? Here are just a few things that you can do to prepare for septic tank installation.

First, you should understand that most municipal governments require certain permits before your septic tank installation can be approved. At Clark Septic, we are here to help you with this process so that all things are done through the proper channels. 

Second, it is important to know that the size of your septic tank and drainage field should be chosen in accordance with your household size, living style, and with the consideration for future growth to your family or household that you might foresee. These things determine the size of the septic tank and system you will need, so it is important to think them through ahead of time.  We will help you decide upon the proper size to fit your home and household based on these thoughtful considerations.

Third, it would be wise to have an idea ahead of time to where you might foresee the tank being installed and where the drain field will be. Before your septic tank installation, we will go over optimal placement and help you choose the ideal place for they tank and drain field to be built. 

These are just a few of the things you should consider and be prepared to discuss when the time comes for your new septic tank installation. However, we at Clark Septic will help walk you through all the important deciding factors and requirements so that you can move forward with confidence and surety of our quality.